
“The video defines a lot about the bride and more about the minister” – Catholic priest reacts to video of Ekene Umenwa kneeling to Moses Bliss

Written by fazazy39

Renowned Catholic priest, Fr. Kelvin Ugwu, has shared his perspective on the trending saga involving actress Ekene Umenwa, who knelt to Moses Bliss during her wedding, and he has voiced concerns about preachers presenting themselves as gods.

The incident in question revolves around a video where Ekene Umenwa left her husband during their wedding ceremony to kneel before Moses Bliss, who was performing at the wedding.

Fr. Kelvin Ugwu’s commentary sheds light on this incident and its implications.

In a detailed perspective on the matter, Father Kelvin elaborated on how the actress’s actions appeared impulsive and out of control when she knelt before the singer.

Furthermore, he expressed the view that many preachers and clergymen often present themselves as god-like figures to their followers, which differs from the practices in the Bible, where apostles were prompt to rectify any such misconceptions.

In his statement, he remarked:

“You’ve probably seen the viral video depicting the bride’s reaction upon seeing the gospel musician/minister, Moses Bliss, on her wedding day. The bride, Ekene, seemed to lose control at the sight of her supposed idol or what some may perceive as a ‘powerful’ and ‘anointed’ minister.

The video conveys significant insights about the bride as well as the minister.

It highlights the issue of emotional intelligence, emotional maturity, and emotional control, which some women, and men, may lack. Some individuals tend to be excessively dramatic. Interestingly, some women even participate in the planning of their own engagement party and still act surprised when the man asks, ‘Will you marry me?'”

However, while many people focused on the bride’s reaction, what most failed to consider is the role of the minister in this scenario.

It is crucial to emphasize that contemporary ministers often position themselves as god-like figures, and they may even relish being perceived as such.

In contrast, in biblical times, people may have become overly excited about the apostles and disciples, but they were consistently prompt in correcting such impressions and reminding the people that they were ordinary individuals.

In Acts 10, when Peter visited Cornelius, the man was clearly excited and even fell at Peter’s feet in reverence. However, Peter promptly corrected him, saying, “Stand up, I am only a man myself” (Acts 10:25-26).

In another example, after Paul and Barnabas performed remarkable signs among the people, the crowd was so enthusiastic that they assumed gods had come to them in human form. They gathered in large numbers to worship Paul and Barnabas. But what was the response of the apostles?

In Acts 14, it is recounted:

14 But when the apostles Barnabas and Paul heard this, they tore their clothes and ran in among the multitude, crying out,

15 and saying, “Men, why are you doing these things? We also are men with the same nature as you, and preach to you that you should turn from these useless things to the living God, who made the heaven, the earth, the sea, and all things that are in them.”

In the viral video, the minister appeared to be relishing the attention. When witnessing something that is amiss, it should be corrected promptly. Others can also learn from such corrections. The level of the lady’s excitement, her kneeling, and hugging the minister even before her husband was not in good taste. This situation can arise when ministers position themselves as superstars.

It’s important to emphasize that ministers should follow the biblical example, as stated in Luke 17:10: “So you also, when you have done all that is commanded you, say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty.'”

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