
“Tear$ Was Rolling Down My Eyes When I Watch The Video Of His Story”– No Child Should Ever Be Made To Go Through This, Yomi Fabiyi Reveal (Watch)

Written by fazazy39

Nollywood actor Yomi Fabiyi has shared a heart-wrenching video featuring a young boy who has endured immense hardship at a very tender age. The boy introduced himself as motherless and fatherless, as his mother became pregnant with him while working as a prostitute.

In the 2-minute video, the boy disclosed that his mother had worked as a prostitute in Lagos before becoming pregnant with him. She had sought assistance from several men, all of whom rejected her, leading her to leave him at a nurse’s place and disappear.

He went on to reveal that the nurse who cared for him passed away when he was just 3 years old. Since then, he has been living on the streets, sleeping in a dustbin, collecting empty cans to sell for food.

He earnestly pleads for assistance from Nigerians to fulfill his dream of going to school and building a better future. The video is profoundly moving, and it’s heart-wrenching to witness a young boy enduring such traumatic experiences.

Yomi Fabiyi expressed his deep emotions, stating that no child should ever have to endure such hardships.


Acct: 0875767180, Abdulahi Ridwan Adis, GTB

Contact: 08180290705

• If you are in a position to offer assistance, please don’t hesitate. Feel free to verify the story before taking any action. I came across this, and I can’t ignore it without taking both public and private steps to help.

My prayers and thoughts are with you, my friend. Gratitude to those who are extending their help. Oga, oh!

Watch his video below;

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