“My mother is a retired principal And I’m Well Trained” – Aisha Lawal explains why she’s lowkey on social media

Nigerian actress Aisha Lawal has recently opened up about her deliberate choice to maintain a low-key presence on social media, setting her apart from some of her colleagues who share more of their personal lives online.

Lawal attributed her restrained online behavior to her upbringing grounded in traditional values and her aspiration to avoid actions that could potentially cause embarrassment to her children later on.

Hailing from Ibadan, Oyo State, Lawal strongly resonates with the Yoruba adage, “what is hidden has more prestige.”

She underscored her background as a “typical Yoruba girl” and highlighted her mother’s role as a retired school principal who instilled a deep sense of ethics and self-discipline. Lawal expressed her commitment to steering clear of any online activity that could become a source of discomfort for her children in the future.

Speaking in an interview with Saturday Beats, Lawal further delved into the notion of upholding a respectable image within the entertainment industry.

In her own words:

“I embody the essence of a typical Yoruba upbringing, having been raised in Ibadan, Oyo State. The Yoruba culture upholds the belief that concealed matters hold greater esteem. Furthermore, my mother, a retired principal, is unwavering in her principles and standards. I make a conscious effort to steer clear of anything that my children might find cringeworthy when looking back in the future.

“There’s a saying within the industry that all forms of publicity, be it positive or negative, are beneficial. Yet, I firmly believe that maintaining an untarnished reputation is equally important. Whatever is written on a clean blackboard remains vividly clear, unlike a cluttered board where the words might appear hazy.

Drawing on a metaphor, she likened a pristine blackboard to an unblemished record, illustrating how a fresh start leads to enhanced lucidity and comprehension.

The actress, renowned for her part in the well-received film “Jagun Jagun,” provided valuable glimpses into her methodology when it comes to choosing roles.

Some scripts arrive with an unmistakable sense of their potential impact, and I sensed this when I received the script for the movie. When I’m presented with a script, I first gauge the complexity of my role and then evaluate the storyline’s appeal. I ask myself whether it’s a narrative I genuinely want to contribute to.

Lastly, the financial aspect comes into play. Many actresses of my age group tend to shy away from roles in epic films, possibly due to elements like incantations and such. Yet, I’m drawn to confronting challenges,” she explained.

Displaying her excitement for the current status of the Nigerian film sector, Lawal observed the rise of top-notch cinematic creations.

She acknowledged that the industry’s adeptness at storytelling had always existed, albeit somewhat hidden.

“The surge of well-crafted films being unveiled in recent times brings me joy. I’ve long recognized the narrative potency within our realm (Nollywood), though it might have remained somewhat veiled. However, the industry is expanding, and our permanence is undeniable,” she elaborated.