“Reactions pour in as a bride marries a photo of an absent groom – Watch the video.”

A video has sparked significant reactions as a bride recently exchanged vows with just a photograph of her absent groom.

The video was posted on the microblogging platform @Folasheycrown22 and captured the moment when a woman chose to have a wedding in her groom’s absence.

The reason for the groom’s absence was not disclosed. Instead of postponing the ceremony, the bride decided to proceed with the wedding, with the unwavering support of her family and friends.

In the video, she shared a kiss with the picture as if her groom were physically present and even knelt before it, which elicited mixed reactions from onlookers.

Watch the video below:

The video quickly gained viral attention, with many speculating that the bride accepted the absentia wedding due to the groom’s wealth.

Some women argued that they couldn’t imagine having a wedding without their spouse.

Here are some comments:

@momentswtbreezy commented, “So, I’ll be dancing alone and going through all the engagement rituals by myself? I’d rather not have a wedding at all.”

@marie_mimmie expressed, “Do they really have to hold a wedding ceremony? He could have simply had his representatives pay the bride price and joined via Zoom… This looks quite awkward.”

@_Lola_de mentioned, “The only situation I’ve seen is when the bride and groom were both abroad. So the families came together and did an introduction.”

@ROyefunke added, “This is quite serious; well, it depends.”