The act of humanity performed by sketch creator Ismail Adebayo, recognized as Isbae U, took esteemed actress Remi Surutu by surprise and evoked an emotional reaction during a movie shoot.
Renowned for his entertaining sketches and unique content, the talented skit creator decided to pleasantly astonish the actress with flowers and a thoughtful gift, demonstrating his appreciation and fondness for her.
In the YouTube video, Remi Surutu was completely surprised as Isbau approached her with a warm smile, holding a delightful bouquet of flowers and a gift.
The actress, celebrated for her elegance and exceptional acting prowess, was evidently touched by this unforeseen display of generosity.
Isbae U titles the video as, “Eliciting Unexpected Emotions from Her | Remi Surutu, Spreading Love and Honoring Our Icons.”
View the video here: