Actress Sotayo Gaga Laments the High Cost of Living, beg for Assistance.

Nollywood actress, Sotayo Gaga, has expressed her concern about the rising cost of living in Nigeria, joining her colleagues in lamenting the situation.

Sharing her thoughts on her Instagram page, the light-skinned Yoruba actress voiced her distress over the exorbitant cost of living, emphasizing that it can take a toll on one’s well-being.

In a candid appeal to her fans and followers, the movie star requested financial assistance, humorously asking, “Who God go borrow me 20 billion?” to cope with the challenges posed by the current economic conditions.

“I am beyond broke!” Biola Bayo exclaims in utter frustration.

In a similar vein, Biola Bayo, a fellow colleague, expressed her deep frustration over the recent hike in fuel prices.

As a businesswoman, she lamented how the fuel price increase is taking a toll on her business, leaving her feeling exhausted and disheartened. She shared the burden of having to spend nearly 200k on diesel and petrol within a week, while struggling to make even 200k in two weeks or more. The additional expenses further compounded her financial strain, leaving her in a state of financial hardship and weariness.

Despite the overwhelming challenges, Biola Bayo finds solace in relying on the strength of the Spirit to endure these trying times. She acknowledges her exhaustion and financial struggles, stating that saying she is broke is an understatement, but she remains hopeful and resilient, trusting that all will be well.

Biola Bayo’s Prayers Answered: A Testimony of Financial Assistance

Just days after Biola Bayo cried out to God for help, she shared a remarkable testimony of how her prayers were answered through unexpected financial assistance.

Taking to her Instagram page, Biola revealed that she had reached out to her Creator, seeking help when she was feeling financially exhausted and weary. To her surprise and delight, God worked in mysterious ways, and her colleague Kenny George came to her aid.

It turned out that Biola had acted in a movie for Kenny George the previous year, and the film was uploaded on YouTube. Within less than 24 hours of her plea, Kenny George and her husband sent her a heartfelt message, offering prayers and expressing their deep appreciation for her role in the movie. But they didn’t stop there – in a kind and generous gesture, Kenny George credited Biola’s account as a ‘Thank You’ gift.

Overwhelmed by this act of love and kindness, Biola Bayo was left speechless. She expressed her profound gratitude to Kenny George and her husband, acknowledging that their thoughtful gesture was the best thing that had happened to her in a while.

This heartwarming testimony serves as a reminder of the power of prayer and the beauty of kindness and support within the Nollywood community. Biola’s experience shows that sometimes, help comes from unexpected sources, and blessings can arrive just when we need them most.