“Get Another Love And Remarry”- Iya Rainbow Son Says…

Femi, the son of the renowned Nollywood actress Idowu Phillips, also known as Iya Rainbow, opens up about his father’s passing and reflects on his experience working alongside his mother.

Working with family members can often be considered challenging, but I must say that my experience with Iya Rainbow has been quite unique. When it comes to anything related to me or money, she adamantly refuses to take a share. I remember a time when we attended a party together, and I sprayed her with about N50,000. She immediately insisted, “Femi, that is your money, come and collect it.” Despite my insistence that I gave it to her, she was resolute in returning it to me. Money matters hold great significance for Mama.

However, when it comes to our work, she encourages me to share the earnings and receive what she rightfully deserves. Even in matters of endorsement deals, she values my input and seeks my advice. I genuinely enjoy collaborating with her. We have a fantastic working relationship, and I am fortunate to be doing well alongside her.

Is she the reason why you went in to the entertainment industry?

Actually, it was my father who influenced me to pursue a career in the entertainment industry. He was a writer and director, and I inherited my artistic inclination from him. As I grew up, I discovered my own passion for entertaining people, and I have been actively pursuing it ever since. In fact, I even went to London to study filmmaking, further honing my skills and knowledge in the field.

Sadly, my father passed away more than three decades ago when I was still very young. Growing up without a father figure was certainly challenging, but it brought me closer to Iya Rainbow. Due to my father’s frequent travels for “travelling stage plays,” my mother couldn’t always accompany him, as she had the responsibility of raising us children. Instead, she mostly participated in shows in Lagos. This circumstance further strengthened our bond with our mother.

I have an incredibly close relationship with my mother, and she is not only my mother but also my best friend. In fact, she even played a significant role in helping me choose my life partner. Our bond is so intimate that when I was considering marriage, I shared details about different girls in my life with her and asked for her opinion on whom I should marry. She ultimately made the choice for me. Whenever she feels down, she calls me to come and make her laugh. That’s how deep our connection is.

While my father was known for his strictness, to the point where his mere presence would make you tremble, we would often jokingly say, “Oh no, Baba is around!” Despite his strict nature, his artistic influence and the love for entertainment he instilled in me continue to inspire and drive me in my career.

Your mother never remarry after the death of your father over 38 years ago. Did you ever encourage her to remarry?

During a particularly challenging and financially difficult period, I found myself suggesting to Iya Rainbow that she should consider remarrying to improve our circumstances. I believed she deserved a better life and thought that finding a life partner might help alleviate some of the hardships we were facing. However, my mother vehemently refused the idea, firmly stating that she would never entertain such thoughts.

In another instance, I observed how much she still loved and cherished my late father when she received payment for her work on a film set. It was during this time that I mentioned an herbalist in Ilorin who claimed to have the ability to communicate with the deceased.

I must admit that my true intention at that time was to exploit my mother’s deep love for my late father in order to obtain money from her. I knew how desperately she longed to see or communicate with him again. When I mentioned the herbalist, she inquired about the cost, and I informed her that it would be N300,000. However, she only had N50,000 available. She pleaded with me to negotiate with the man and convince him to accept N30,000, promising that we would pay the remaining balance later. She continued to provide me with money for this purpose.

However, I eventually reached a point where I could no longer sustain the deception. I had to tell her the truth: that my father was no longer alive and could never return. It was at that moment that her immense love for my father became evident. Iya Rainbow firmly expressed that she could never remarry because the thought of another man being intimate with her was unbearable. In her eyes, only Femi, her son, could hold that special place in her heart, just as she deeply loved our father.

As you’ve said that you’re very close to your mother. How was she when she first meet your wife ?

Recognizing my mother’s preferences, I took it upon myself to guide my wife on how to make a positive impression when they were scheduled to meet. I advised my wife to display good manners and be helpful upon arriving at my mother’s house, suggesting that she offer assistance with household tasks. Thankfully, my wife possesses a genuinely kind and pleasant personality, which made it easier for her to embody these qualities.

On the day of their meeting, my wife found my mother busy with washing chores, and she willingly joined in to lend a hand. Intrigued by my wife’s presence, my mother inquired about her identity. Considering the circumstances, I referred to my wife as my friend, as I wasn’t comfortable revealing that she was actually my girlfriend at the time. Sensing my mother’s interest, my wife introduced herself, and from that moment onwards, their relationship began to flourish, creating a significant and cherished chapter in all of our lives.

Is there any disadvantage been the don of Iya Rainbow?

Being the son of a legendary figure like Iya Rainbow does come with certain drawbacks. One of the disadvantages is the high expectations people often have of me in certain circles. There is a common belief that, as Iya Rainbow’s son, I should automatically be wealthy and successful. People tend to assume that I should be a millionaire or enjoy significant financial privileges.

However, the reality is quite different. When I initially moved to London, I had to take on menial jobs to make ends meet. It was a challenging journey where I had to work hard to sustain myself. At times, when people recognize me as Mama Rainbow’s son, I find myself denying the association to avoid the inflated expectations and assumptions that come along with it. This helps me maintain a sense of independence and establish my own identity, separate from the preconceived notions that others may have based on my parentage.