Renowned Nollywood actress Funke Akindele recently sparked reactions online after a playful skit with her junior colleague, comedian Kamo State, took an unexpected turn. During the skit, Funke made a comment that many interpreted as an insult to her colleague, Iyabo Ojo, igniting discussions among fans.
The skit featured Kamo State, known for his popular “Aggressive Police Officer” stop-and-search videos, and Funke Akindele, who took on the role of a driver. Their collaboration is not surprising, given their positive relationship—Kamo State appeared in Funke’s blockbuster film Everybody Loves Jenifa, which has grossed $1.6 billion globally.
While the skit was meant to be comedic, the exchange between Kamo and Funke didn’t sit well with some viewers, leading to a wave of mixed reactions online. Fans continue to debate the intentions behind Funke’s remarks and the dynamic between the two stars in the entertaining yet controversial video.
It alls started after Kamo State stopped and started searching Funke Akindele who was on a call during the process. Reacting to being stopped by Kamo, Funke while calling said; “Ah sege, ok baby. I dey in front of all these people.”
This did not go down well with Kamo State who reacted by saying “Officer of the law called you, you are doing like werey (m@dt person), you are picking calls, I promise you this officer will pick you to prison.”
Funke Akindele responded; “Why are you doing like this, when you get to check point, you are meant to bring ur particulars and that is what I’m doing why are you shouting, are you a mad man?”
Kamo clapped back; “The way you are talking, your prayer will not be answered by God, bring out ur hiv/aids result.”
Funke Akindele says; “I reject it in the mighty name of God, it is you that will have HIV, I will call people that senior you, look at me eyeball to eyeball you will be jailed.”
Kamo replied her; “You that your supposed to call home that you ar going to prison, call anybody.”
Swiftly, another Funke Akindele person known as “Lefty Omo Ghetto” appears and slapped the living daylight out of Kamo claiming that she belongs to the street and knows Funke Akindele so well.
Showing how much she loves funke, the Lefty Omo Ghetto scared the hell out of Kamo and he had to run away and Funke Akindele shows her love by gifting her N150K.
Meanwhile, the development was a combination between Kamo State, a fake police officer and Lefty Omo Ghetto. While Kamo said he has never received such kind of money before adding that one of the craziest she ever met was Iyabo Ojo.
The Lefty Omo Ghetto uttered that Iyabo Ojo is a monkey stressing that Kamo State should have teat her skirt apart when she was trying to get out of the window.
In the end, Kamo State request for his share of the 150k and Lefty Omo Ghetto noted that he would only give him 5k and this lead to fight athat resulted into her almost breaking a bottle on the head of Kamo State who had to run for his dear life.
Watch the video of the skit involving Kamo State and Funke Akindele below where Iyabo Ojo receives her how sub below;
See reactions below;
mrlilgaga: Monkey ni iyabo 😂😂😂😂.
nollywoodcitadel: Iyabo Ojo sef don collect 😂😂😂😂.
chimezie_imo : Wetin be this abeg 😂😂😂😂 which kind English jenifa and kamo dey speak …
enioluwaofficial : The Talent that you are. Aunty Funke!👑.
broda_usman: Oyaaa e mu 5k yen wa For what Mo fè lo fi ya yin ni werey 😂😂😂😂.
In case you missed it, checkout the moment Kamo State and Iyabo Ojo had their own stop and search content below;