Renowned Nollywood actor Dele Odule has shared the heart-wrenching story of losing his first child, a tragedy that has left an indelible mark on his life.
Speaking during a deeply emotional interview on Kunle Afod’s talk show, Odule recounted the devastating incident that forever changed his world, leaving him overwhelmed with grief and a profound sense of emptiness.
As he revisited this painful chapter, his voice trembled, and his eyes reflected the enduring sorrow he carries. The poignant atmosphere in the studio was palpable, with even the seasoned host, Kunle Afod, visibly moved by Odule’s heartrending narrative.
In a touching gesture, Afod offered a sincere prayer, hoping that Odule would never again endure such deep sorrow.
Recognizing the emotional weight of the discussion, Kunle Afod adeptly redirected the conversation, steering it back to Odule’s distinguished career and more uplifting experiences, providing a semblance of comfort to the distressed actor.
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