Nollywood actor Segun Ogungbe took to social media today to celebrate his brother and colleague, Omobolaji Ogungbe, on his birthday. The actor shared heartfelt birthday wishes alongside photos of the two, expressing his love and offering prayers for his brother’s continued success and happiness.
Fans and colleagues have also joined in to send their best wishes, making it a joyous occasion for the Ogungbe family.
He called his younger brother his rock and cheerleader, he always listened to his complain any time any day.
He wrote: Happy Birthday to one of my amazing brother ever 😍You’re my rock, my cheerleader, the guy I can always call to complain to💯
Thank you for always in my corner and always knows just what to say to me anytime I come up to 🙏We’re all so lucky to have you❤️Having you as a brother is better than a thousand friendships Omobolaji🥰Have the best birthday today and forever 🙏Enjoy your kidbro @officialomobolajiogungbe
His brother Omobolaji Ogungbewrote: +1…. all glory and Adoration to the Source that create Heaven and the Earth. Hallelujah, I do not look like what I’ve been through. Happy Birthday to me and I.
Many netizens react
IambimpeakintundewroteGlorious Birthday Brother 😍
Midebabs wrote:Happy birthday to you uncle God bless your new age wishing you many more year to come we love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Adisa wrote: Happy birthday to you my brother ❤️
Many happy returns of your day🙏
Congratulations 🎉
Bakare wrote :Happy birthday to my friend from day one . May God bless your new age with pleasant Transformation.🤛
Pwettywrpte:Happy birthday Sir 🎉🎈 Wishing you many more prosperous years on Earth. We shall see you for long IJN! Thank you for all you do Sir 🙏
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