Nigerian actress Yewande Adekoya took to her social media page on Sunday to offer prayers and express love for her colleague and best friend, actress Tawa Ajisefini, during a visit to her home. Yewande, accompanied by her husband, stopped by to greet Tawa and her baby, Abdulqayyum.
Sharing a heartwarming video on her verified social media handle, Yewande captured the joyful moments of their visit. The video showed Tawa Ajisefini warmly welcoming Yewande and her husband with excitement, while their husbands were later seen bonding over a football match.
The post highlighted the close relationship between the two actresses and their families, with Yewande adding a heartfelt prayer for Tawa and her son. Fans and followers have since praised their friendship and the cheerful atmosphere of the visit.
On the caption written along with the video posted via her Instagram Yewande Adekoya wrote
We had a wonderful time with my godson today. Abdulqoyum, may God’s protection continue to be over you. @tawaajisefinni @jamomayor May God continue to guide and keep you both. @iamabiodunthomas and I had a wonderful time. Thank you for being a wonderful host. Jan 19th, 12noon
madam Buga 3 will drop on YewandeAdekoyatv Happy birthday in advance to me #jan20th ##jan20thbaby
Many fans and her colleagues reacted to their funny and lovely video
Tawa Ajisefini wrote: Mo Mo loore oooooo🕺🕺😀😀😀😀👏🏻👏🏻🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝 mio ni wayin ti lagbara olorun 🙏 . It was so good to see you guys again😆😆👏🏻👏🏻❤️🩹❤️🩹🎁🎁 plus…thanks for the owo omo🙌🙌😀😀 e sweet my belle😆😆😆🕺🕺🕺🕺
Theminah wrote: Madam buga remind me the name you gave him?😂
Ifemide wrote: Madam buga short ooo her leg no reach ground on chair 😂😂
Adeola wrote: You finally meet Esupofo awwwww😍 Esupofo is actually friendly o
Lammy wrote: Finally T and B are meeting
I hope you both are able to sort the land issues😂😂😂