“How I Want My Future Husband To Love & Care For Me” Bimbo Ademoye gushes over the love her father shown to her by surprising her with Kegs filled with fuel

Nollywood actress Bimbo Ademoye, reflecting on her father’s thoughtful actions during the recent surge in petrol prices, has shared an important message with her future husband.

In a heartfelt post on her Instagram account, Bimbo recounted how her father went out of his way to buy several kegs of fuel for her amidst the price hike. She expressed her deep gratitude, offering prayers for his blessings and long life.

She also sent a lighthearted message to her future husband, pointing out the high standards her father has set. Bimbo emphasized that she isn’t asking for much, as she is not a damsel in distress, but a well-cared-for woman who values even the smallest gestures. She also promised to take care of her future husband for life.

Her words: “Daddy calls to ask if the scarcity isn’t affecting me. Told him I poured the last fuel in the house in My car. Hours later, he calls to ask if I’m home. I said no,he said ok tell your pa I’m on my way. Pa calls to tell me daddy brought me fuel . Is my daddy a joke to you!!!! 5 kegs and one Dear God pls bless and keep my daddy. Amen. full gen Dear future husband, I’m not asking for much, I’m not a damsel in distress, I’m a well take care of lady, I appreciate the littlest things you got big shoes to fill. Don’t worry about being take care of though. I promise you I got you for life!!. Again. God please keep my daddy for us, he’s the best thing that has ever happend to my siblings and I.”