“What’s Your Source Of Income”- Mother Rejects Car Gift From Her 200 Level Son promise To Hand Over Him To Police.

A mother has declined a Christmas car gift from her 200-level undergraduate son, citing concerns about the source of his income. According to Mama Chukwudi, she had sent her son to school and was not expecting him to return after just two years with a car.

Unconvinced about the legitimacy of the acquisition, she adamantly rejected the gift, insisting that both her son and the Christmas car leave her compound immediately to avoid attracting attention from the community.

The mother has refused a Christmas car gift from her 200-level undergraduate son, expressing doubts about the source of his income.

Mama Chukwudi clarified that she had sent her son to school with the expectation that he would not return home after just two years with a car.

She harbors suspicions that her son might have engaged in questionable activities to afford the vehicle and made it clear that she was unwilling to entertain any explanations.

To avoid potential public scrutiny, Mama Chukwudi insisted that both her son and the Christmas car vacate her compound promptly. She even threatened to attract the attention of the community, referred to as Ora-obodo, if her demands were not met.