
“I feel embarrassed Sometimes ” Wumi Toriola laments bitterly amid apology from Mide Martins and husband, Afeez Owo

Written by fazazy39

Nollywood actress Wumi Toriola has expressed her frustration with her weight fluctuations. In a photo where she appears plus-sized, she reflected on how some days she feels fat and embarrassed, while on others, she looks more in shape.

Wumi noted that some days she looks ten years older than her actual age, while on other days, she appears ten years younger. However, in the particular photo she shared, she feels like she looks twenty years older. Despite these challenges, she remains grateful, concluding with,

“In all, we give THANKS.”

In response to her post, some of her fans sympathized with her and attributed her weight fluctuations to hormonal imbalances. One fan, Aisha Pearls, mentioned that hormonal imbalances and periods can greatly affect women’s bodies but still found Wumi to be pretty.

Another fan, Unique Fitting Wears, appreciated the beauty in her photo and suggested that it’s about knowing what suits her.

Actress Folorunsho Adeola humorously suggested that it might not be Wumi herself, but the photographer, causing the appearance.

In April, Wumi Toriola had expressed gratitude for her transformation and glowing skin after enduring various challenges. She referenced her bounce back from adversity and acknowledged the difficulties she had faced, including her divorce, which she had made public.

She had previously posted a TikTok video playfully choosing between the single and married statuses, eventually opting for single. During Christmas, she spent the day with her son and friends, without her husband.

In a New Year post, she revealed that in 2022, she had walked away from a domestically violent and abusive relationship for the sake of her sanity.

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