“The entire nation and even beyond continues to grieve ceaselessly since your departure.” – Bukunmi Oluwashina expresses ongoing sorrow for Mohbad.

Renowned Nigerian actress Bukunmi Oluwashina remains in mourning for the recently departed singer Mohbad. Taking to her Instagram page, the actress shared a heartfelt tribute to the late artist.

Her words read: “Last night, like the rest of the world, I lit a candle in your memory, dearest friend. However, I find myself unable to express my feelings here or put into words what I want to say.

The news circulating, suggesting you were buried prematurely, has left me in a state of shock. I cannot bring myself to envision you awakening beneath the earth, struggling for breath and fighting for your life as you did while on the surface. My heart refuses to accept that.

Instead, my heart will remember you as someone who was taken from us abruptly, to a place where you can finally discover the peace you’ve been praying for, singing about, and fighting for all your life. Rest well, dear friend. You deserve it. I see God Himself fighting for you already, and I understand why. You have always been extraordinarily special and precious to Him, like the apple of His eye, Imole.

Since your departure, not only the nation but also the world at large has been unable to find peace. You were loved, my brother, and your light continues to shine.

If only they knew, they would never have harmed you. God is with us as we seek justice for you, my friend. He guides us to victory because there is no one better suited to fight this battle than the one who owns it.

On this day, I pray that your light continues to shine in this dark world as it always has. And may God watch over all that is yours and those who genuinely loved and cared for you, those you left behind.

Rest peacefully, ILERIOLUWA. 💔💐 Give my regards to my Dad. Until we meet again, never to part. GOODBYE. #justiceformohbad 💡#KeepResting.”
