A Furious lady embarrasses A woman who prefers to sit and beg for money with her three little children instead of hustling (Video)

A video of a woman begging on the street with her three children has sparked discussions on Twitter after a concerned lady confronted her. In the recently shared video, a woman in a black top can be seen attempting to persuade the mother of three to leave the road.

The lady in the black top made an effort to take the umbrella from the mother, but onlookers intervened, telling her to leave the woman alone. In the video, the lady in the black top expressed her frustration, stating that the mother and her children are often on the street, asking for money.

The video’s caption suggests that the lady in the black top aims to motivate the mother of three to find work and support herself and her children rather than remaining idle and begging for money on the street.

This action by the lady in the video has ignited discussions among social media users, with many sharing their thoughts in the comment section.

In the video, the lady in the black top made an attempt to take the umbrella from the mother of three children, but bystanders intervened, urging her to leave the woman alone. The lady in the video expressed her frustration, noting that the woman is frequently on the street with her children, seeking monetary assistance.

The video’s caption implies that the lady in the black top aims to motivate the mother of three to leave the street and find work to support herself and her children, rather than relying on begging and idleness.

This action by the lady in the black top has drawn the attention of social media users, who have flooded the comment section with their opinions. Here are some reactions:

@O_N_L_I_N_E_: “Some people have made begging their source of income. If you’re in dire straits, you might be on the street for a couple of days and receive assistance, but some people establish a permanent presence and simply beg.”

@TokyosBite: “I like her approach! There’s nothing wrong with that woman; she’s young and capable (she didn’t even let go of the umbrella). My only concern is that she has three children and exposes them to hunger and the mercy of others. When they chase her away, she’ll grab a bucket and sell pure water.”

@RobinsonGodspo1: “She’s the woman they’ve talked about, saying they’ve contributed money for her several times, but she still prefers to beg.”

@shopnerrands: “While I agree that she should work and hustle, this isn’t the right way to handle it. The woman who is confronting and embarrassing her isn’t helping the situation. She should assist her in finding a job. Another thing, where will she leave her children?”

@_FarouqOlami: “Listen, these individuals are all over Lagos, but what can you do? They’ve chosen this lifestyle. Personally, I don’t give them money once I realize they are not disabled. It is what it is.”

@KingPedacito: “From begging for alms, she could have accumulated enough money to start something. However, when it comes to begging on the streets, it seems like easy and free money to them. Once they count it and see significant profits from pity, they continue to beg. It’s a subtle form of scam.”

@Acedouglas1: “I think the most crucial thing is that people need to be educated and enlightened about family planning. Having three children when you can’t even provide for yourself is unreasonable.”

[Watch the video below]