“Who Did I Offend”-: A 30-year-old woman shed tears of frustration due to being unmarried at her age

In a circulating video on social media, a 30-year-old woman is visibly emotional as she expresses her distress over her unmarried status and the absence of a family of her own at her age.

The video captures the heartfelt lament of this single woman, who openly shares her feelings of loneliness and being unattached. She posted the video on her social media page, highlighting that the music playing in the background had finally prompted the tears she had been suppressing for a while.

“I’ve been tuning in to this, but this particular one resonates deeply with me. At 30 years old, I don’t have a husband, child, or family yet,” she penned.

Reactions follow, with a 30-year-old unmarried woman tearfully responding.

angelbackup67commented: “God will bless you with a husband. Pray to Him and also go out to make friends. You can’t just stay at home waiting for a husband to come to you.”

jecintainnocent shared: “And what about me? I got married at 15 and lost my husband at 22, with 3 children.”

oyinkansola0430 added: “My dear, I’ll be turning 36 in a few days, and I still have no child or husband. We weren’t the ones who created ourselves; God is in control.”

prettyedith21 shared: “My dear, I’m 34 years old, with no child or husband, but I still hold onto the belief that God is actively working on my situation. I’m confident He will provide me with the best. So, there’s no need to cry because it’s not over yet.”

kikelo19 kikelo19 reacted: “Hey sis I am also 30 year no husband no child yet but I believe we will all have a good testimony very soon pls don’t cry I love you.”