“Seeing myself in pain and broken brought tears to my eyes,” Ruth Kadiri expresses emotionally, appealing to her fans for support.

Nollywood actress and filmmaker, Ruth Kadiri, experienced a rush of emotions upon waking up to watch her latest movie. Taking to her Instagram page, the mother of two shared that while watching her own creation, she found herself in tears halfway through.

Explaining the reasons behind her emotional response, Ruth disclosed that witnessing her portrayal of hurt and brokenness moved her to tears, and she couldn’t bring herself to complete the viewing.

Nonetheless, she urged her fans who would potentially undergo a similar emotional experience while watching the movie to take a moment to step away, go for a walk, and then return to finish the film. She earnestly implored them to watch the movie through to the end for her sake.

The filmmaker also extended a heartfelt prayer for the healing of broken hearts, wishing for God’s solace to touch those who have been deeply affected.

“I woke up this morning to preview tomorrow’s upload! Halfway into the movie, I burst into tears. Witnessing my portrayal of hurt and brokenness moved me to tears. I couldn’t bring myself to finish it. I kindly ask that when you watch and find yourself in tears, pause the film. Take a stroll and then return to complete it. Please, for my sake, try to finish it! Love you all. May God bring healing to the hearts of those who are broken.”

Ruth Kadiri Opens Up About Addressing a Fellow Nollywood Actress

In a reminiscent tone, Ruth Kadiri revisits her prior statements about carving her niche as a prominent Nollywood actress.

Presenting a series of captivating photos on her Instagram page, Ruth Kadiri accompanied them with a heartfelt caption that eloquently conveys her journey in the world of filmmaking.

As a mother of two, Ruth Kadiri shares her experience of honing her unique visual storytelling approach, both as a woman and a filmmaker. Through the lens of her camera, she imparts her thoughts to the world.

Notably, Ruth Kadiri acknowledges that her cinematic creations have played a part in mending wounded hearts. She expresses contentment in having found serenity by staying true to her purpose—filmmaking.