“I Will Make Sure You Regret This”Actress Peggy Ovire arrests crew member for allegedly stealing on movie set (Video)

Nollywood actress Peggy Ovire took decisive action against an alleged theft on her movie set by apprehending a crew member involved.

Through her Instagram page, Peggy Ovire shared a video capturing the moment she confronted the alleged thief, who had posed as a production member on her set.

In her narration, Peggy explained that she had encountered him during one of her productions, where she provided an apartment for the crew to rent. After the job was completed, the individual stole a generator. Subsequently, he returned weeks later and attempted to steal a gas cylinder but was caught in the act.

Notifying her fellow film industry colleagues, Peggy Ovire warned them to be vigilant about individuals like him and detailed the series of thefts he had committed, including selling stolen items at significantly reduced prices.

She emphasized the importance of being cautious while working with new crew members and shared her personal experience of helping the individual financially during their previous collaboration, only to discover his apparent involvement in multiple thefts.

It’s clear from Peggy’s account that this individual seemed to be a repeat offender and she wanted to raise awareness among her peers to prevent others from falling victim to his actions in the future.
