“Oni Duro Mi”-Actress Seiilat pays heartfelt tribute to Dayo Amusa, the one woman who offered her a chance right from the very beginning.

On the occasion of Nollywood actress Dayo Amusa’s birthday, Seilat Adebola is expressing her heartfelt gratitude and paying tribute to her senior colleague. Seilat celebrates Dayo’s special day, which took place on July 20th, by acknowledging the pivotal role Dayo played in paving the way for her in the acting industry.

Seilat appreciates Dayo Amusa for being the one woman who offered her a chance right from the very beginning of her acting journey. With immense gratitude, Seilat extends her thanks to Aunty Dayo for the opportunity and support.

In her tribute, Seilat sends warm wishes and prayers for more blessings to come Dayo Amusa’s way. She expresses her reverence and respect for her senior colleague, wishing her a fantastic and joyous birthday celebration.

The admiration and gratitude expressed by Seilat Adebola serve as a touching tribute to the influential presence of Dayo Amusa in her life and career.

Adeniyi Johnson pours his heart out to Mercy Aigbe, expressing profound gratitude, “You chose me when I was nobody.”

Weeks ago, Adeniyi Johnson expressed deep and heartfelt appreciation to Mercy Aigbe for her instrumental role in his career. He fondly reminisced about how Mercy was the first person to recognize his talent and believe in his potential. She took him under her wing, guiding and nurturing him in the film industry. Adeniyi went on to acknowledge the monetary gift Mercy had given him, though he chose not to disclose the exact amount.

He credited Mercy Aigbe for giving him his first sub lead role in a Yoruba movie and highlighted her unwavering support throughout his journey. Adeniyi expressed immense gratitude for her belief in him, the efforts she invested in polishing his talent, and the fact that she never gave up on him. Today, he proudly stands as a testament to her mentorship and considers himself her product in the Yoruba industry. Adeniyi’s message conveyed his deep admiration and respect for Mercy Aigbe, whom he considers a destiny helper.

Similarly, Nigerian comedian and actor, Funny Bone, expressed his profound appreciation to his senior colleague, Seyi Law, for being a guiding light in his early career days. Funny Bone recalled their history together, filled with shared experiences and countless stories. He mentioned how Seyi Law offered him accommodation in his house when he took a break from the mainstream media to focus on his university degree.

They met during the Night of a Thousand Laughs in Kaduna, where they formed an instant bond. Together, they rocked numerous shows and embarked on a journey filled with camaraderie. Funny Bone even shared a memory of a robbery they encountered on the third mainland bridge at 2 am. He hailed Seyi Law as a real man and expressed heartfelt gratitude for his support and generosity during those critical times.

Both Adeniyi Johnson and Funny Bone’s expressions of gratitude serve as a testament to the significance of mentorship and support in the entertainment industry, highlighting the positive impact experienced professionals can have on the careers of budding talents.