Actress Sotayo Gaga sparks drama as she hits back at fans who body-shamed her.

Nollywood actress, Sotayo Gaga, displayed her fierce response when she confronted a troll who resorted to body-shaming her.

The light-skinned Yoruba actress shared a video confidently showing off her dance steps. Unfortunately, this video attracted negative attention from a male troll, whose hurtful comment centered around body-shaming and making derogatory remarks about her appearance. He unjustly compared her body to that of the opposite gender, mocking her for being too masculine.

However, Sotayo Gaga did not let this offensive comment slide. With her head held high, she fired back at the troll with a savage response that put him in his place and shut down the body-shaming attempt.

It’s important to remember that body shaming is never acceptable, and Sotayo Gaga’s bold reaction serves as a reminder that everyone deserves respect and kindness, regardless of their appearance. Let us all strive to promote a culture of acceptance and empathy, both online and offline.

When confronted with the hurtful comment, Sotayo Gaga confidently stated that her husband loves her body just the way it is. She further ridiculed the troll by playfully pointing out the shape of his head, effectively turning the tables on him.

Sotayo Gaga’s response not only shows her strength and resilience but also highlights the importance of standing up against body shaming and promoting body positivity.