Aunty Success from Mark Angel Comedy joyfully celebrated her 10th birthday on her official social media handle. The talented and comedic actress shared delightful photos of herself, expressing gratitude to God for reaching this special milestone in her life.
In the captivating pictures, Aunty Success strikes gorgeous poses, showcasing her beauty, which garnered immense reactions from fans and celebrities alike. They couldn’t help but shower her with compliments and well-wishes, sending their heartfelt birthday greetings her way.
One enthusiastic fan remarked, “Aunty Success has now matured. She’s a fine girl.”
Aunty Success, who is Emanuella’s cousin, started her journey in comedy skits at the tender age of 2. Over the years, she has blossomed into a remarkably intelligent and beautiful young girl. Her performances alongside Emanuella in Mark Angel’s Comedy won the hearts of many, who appreciated her sharpness and outspokenness.
In recent times, Aunty Success has been less active in skit-making due to her focus on education.
Here’s to wishing her a very happy 10th birthday!