Skit-maker Kamo expresses gratitude to fans for raising 2 million Naira funds for veteran actor Abija.

In a heartwarming display of generosity and compassion, Kamo, a popular skit-maker, has expressed heartfelt gratitude towards his fans for collectively raising a fund of 2 million Naira to support veteran actor Abija in acquiring a much-needed car.

The urgent need for a car for Tajudeen Oyewole, affectionately known as Abija, was brought to public attention through social media. Abija, a revered actor with a career spanning back to 1972, shared his challenges of mobility in his advanced age, which hindered his ability to actively pursue his passion in the movie industry.

Feeling embarrassed about attending movie sets without a means of transportation, Abija reached out to his fans, appealing for assistance in raising funds for a car. Kamo, known for his comedic skits that have garnered a substantial following, utilized his platform to initiate a fundraising campaign dedicated to fulfilling Abija’s need.

In a recent update, Kamo joyously announced the successful achievement of raising a fund of 2 million Naira thus far. This charitable endeavor has generated a profound sense of admiration and gratitude within the entertainment industry and among the devoted fans of both Kamo and Abija.