“I’m not ashamed that I came to the public to beg for a car” Yoruba Actor Alapinni reveal.

Renowned Nigerian actress Alapinni, widely recognized for her exceptional talent and invaluable contributions to the Nigerian film industry, recently opened up about her decision to openly seek a car.

In a heartfelt interview with Punch, the veteran actress fearlessly addressed the challenges faced by actors in the industry, emphasizing her lack of shame in bringing attention to these hardships.

When asked about the wealth accumulated by certain actors, particularly females, Alapinni humbly stated that each individual’s journey is unique. While some actors may have achieved financial success, she acknowledged that everyone’s path is different, and it is up to them to explain how they attained their wealth.

The interview also touched upon the growing trend of actors requesting cars and other gifts from their fans. Alapinni expressed her understanding of their motivations, explaining that many actors have put in significant effort without reaping the benefits of their hard work. They turn to their fans and supporters to fulfill their needs as a way to leverage their profession. She shared a personal experience where her friend’s son reached out to discuss procuring a car for her, following a similar gesture made towards another actor, Lalude. Alapinni appreciated the outpouring of support from her fans and expressed gratitude to those who responded to her request for assistance.

While the actress awaits the completion of the funding for the car, she remains optimistic that help will come from generous individuals who have contributed, even if it is as little as N200. Alapinni sees this support as a genuine display of love and appreciation from her fans.

When asked about the potential shame associated with requesting car gifts as a movie star, Alapinni firmly rejected any notion of shame. She emphasized that there is no wrongdoing in utilizing one’s influence to obtain what they need or desire. She pointed out that some may assume that movie stars are wealthy, but she sees no issue with people supporting and assisting those who have entertained and brought joy to their lives. Alapinni encouraged individuals to find their own paths to seek help if necessary, stating that nobody should be judged for reaching out for support. She concluded by suggesting that if anyone views these actors as beggars, they should also pray for an opportunity to be in their position.

In sharing her perspective on openly seeking a car, Alapinni demonstrated her resilience, gratitude, and unwavering commitment to her craft and the industry as a whole.