Jaiye Kuti Responds Firmly to Fans Who Criticize Her: “Anyone Can Fall Ill and Pass Away, I’m Unconcerned, Just Don’t Tarnish My Reputation” – (Video)

Renowned Yoruba movie actress, Jaiye Kuti, has taken to her recent Instagram post to address a concerning issue within the film industry. In her Instagram story, she expressed her concern about some of her fellow actors who resort to soliciting money on social media platforms, even when they are not facing any health challenges. Jaiye Kuti emphasized the importance of preserving the reputation of the movie industry and discouraged her colleagues from engaging in such practices.

Acknowledging the unpredictability of illness and mortality, Jaiye Kuti urged her colleagues to refrain from tarnishing the integrity of the film industry by resorting to unnecessary appeals for financial assistance when they are in good health. Her intention was to emphasize the significance of maintaining professionalism and integrity within the industry, thereby safeguarding its reputation.

She made it clear that she supports her colleagues who genuinely seek help when they are sick and even extends her assistance with the resources she has. Jaiye Kuti mentioned that she utilizes some of the money she earns from endorsement deals to help others, rather than solely indulging herself. She expressed her disappointment in those who misuse the industry by engaging in such practices, as it negatively affects the perception people have of actors and actresses.

In her video statement, she stated, “Anybody can fall sick and pass away anytime. Don’t tarnish our name by begging for money when you aren’t sick. I’m not saying people should not seek help when they are sick—I support that and have even assisted people with the little money I have. Some of the endorsement deal money I earn is not solely for my personal use; I also help a lot of people with it.”