“You’re a single mom not because you choose to be one” Bimpe Akintunde writes touching letter to single mothers.

A heartfelt letter to all single mothers:

Dear single moms,

I want you to take a moment and be kind to yourself. Remember, being a single mom was not a choice you made. Life threw unexpected challenges your way, but that doesn’t define you or your worth. Don’t be too hard on yourself.

I encourage you to always maintain a positive mindset, work hard, pray harder, and never give up. You are not a failure; you are powerful and incredibly strong. You carry the responsibilities of two people alone, and that in itself is a testament to your strength.

To all the single moms who long for a loving and committed relationship, I pray that you receive a partner who appreciates and respects you. May Allah bless you with a good-hearted and intentional man.

Today, I want to honor and celebrate each and every single mother out there. Your strength, endurance, and perseverance are admirable. I want you to know that not all single moms find themselves in this situation because of wrongdoing. Circumstances can be challenging, but your character and dedication shine through.

Adjust your crown, Queen, and remember that better days are ahead. You will smile again. May you receive divine assistance in shouldering your responsibilities.

You are my Woman Crush Wednesday (WCW) today, and I celebrate you. Keep pushing forward, and never forget how incredible you are.

With love and admiration,
Bimpe Akintunde

Bimpe Akintunde has written touching letters to single mothers on previous occasions, showing her consistent support and encouragement for these strong and resilient women.

Bimpe Akintunde has recently penned a powerful and heartfelt note dedicated to single mothers.

Bimpe Akintunde recently shared a heartfelt message to single mothers, expressing her own experiences and offering words of encouragement. Through a lengthy note on her Instagram page, the Yoruba actress revealed that she has been raising her daughter as a single mother for the past eight years and has been without a romantic relationship for nearly two years.

Bimpe emphasized that her single status was not due to any personal shortcomings but rather a conscious choice to sever ties with relationships that didn’t contribute positively to her life. Although she acknowledged the challenges of being single, she stressed that it doesn’t signify the end of the world and shared her newfound reliance on faith in God.

Encouraging others to adopt a similar approach, Bimpe urged them to cut off any relationships that fail to add value to their lives. She emphasized the importance of prioritizing personal growth, happiness, and well-being.

During her daughter’s birthday celebration, Bimpe reflected on a poignant moment when her daughter expressed a deep longing for a father figure. Her daughter would frequently implore her to get married and share her desire for a father with Bimpe’s sister, her aunt.

Bimpe admitted that her daughter’s plea deeply affected her, leading her to shed tears and lament her unsuccessful attempts at finding a suitable partner. She also mentioned that her daughter persistently requested younger siblings. Bimpe’s response to her daughter’s desire for a father figure and siblings was to encourage her to pray to God.

Now, in the present, Bimpe shared that her daughter has found a father figure in her husband, bringing her immense joy and gratitude for the bond they share.