Yomi Fabiyi expresses his strong disapproval of Mr. Latin’s words to his senior colleague, calling him “very selfish” (video)

Yomi Fabiyi has expressed his criticism towards Mr. Latin, a fellow Nollywood actor, for his comments regarding veteran actors. According to reports from Gossipinfo, Mr. Latin, who serves as the President of TAMPAN (Theatre Arts and Motion Pictures Practitioners Association of Nigeria), defended himself by stating that actors seeking assistance are not affiliated with the association.

In response, Yomi Fabiyi has advised Mr. Latin to exercise caution and refrain from reacting hastily to every piece of news on social media. He suggests that Mr. Latin should consider appointing a Special Adviser on Media to review his statements and prevent further mistakes.

Yomi Fabiyi addressed Mr. Latin in a broadcast, acknowledging his position as the President of TAMPAN and the leader of professionals within the association. He reminded Mr. Latin that he is not the president of social media and advised him to take his time before responding to issues. Yomi Fabiyi emphasized the importance of careful consideration and serious censorship to avoid making mistakes, such as denying the affiliation of actors seeking help with TAMPAN.

It is evident that Yomi Fabiyi’s intention is to provide honest feedback and encourage Mr. Latin to approach matters with greater thoughtfulness and accountability.

Watch his video below;