“I never imagined I could live in such a beautiful house. Hunger no longer troubles me,” says veteran actress Iya Gbonkan as she proudly showcases her newly completed home.”(watch)

Renowned Nollywood actress Margaret Bandele Olayinka, widely known as Iya Gbonkan, recently delightedly unveiled her newly completed home shortly after receiving a brand-new car as a gift.

During this joyous occasion, Iya Gbonkan was joined by her fellow actresses Alirat Adunni, also known as Tamotiye, and Toyin Oladiran, recognized as Abeni Agbon, who presented her with the car.

In a touching video, Iya Gbonkan can be seen shedding tears of happiness while expressing profound gratitude for these generous gestures.

The construction of her house in Osogbo, Osun state, was made possible with the invaluable assistance of Pastor Agbala Gabriel, who played a vital role in turning her dream home into a reality.

During her conversation with the pastor, Iya Gbonkan conveyed her immense satisfaction, revealing that her joy had filled her to the extent that she no longer felt hunger.

She further expressed her astonishment, remarking that she had never envisioned the possibility of living in such a splendid and comfortable home before.

In her own words:

“I have not experienced hunger all day because my joy knows no bounds. I never imagined that I could live in such a beautiful house.”