Discover the Residence Where Esteemed Actress Iya Gbonkan Resides, Despite Her Acclaimed Fame (Video)

In an inspiring display of compassion and generosity, Pastor Abgala Gabriel has come forward to assist veteran actress Iya Gbokan in realizing her aspirations of completing her house and owning a car.

Recognizing Iya Gbokan’s remarkable talent and contributions to the entertainment industry, Pastor Gabriel wasted no time in mobilizing his supporters to raise funds for her cause. After hearing about Iya Gbokan’s plea for support, he paid her a visit at her residence in Osogbo, where he witnessed firsthand the challenges she faced.

Driven by his philanthropic spirit and commitment to helping those in need, Pastor Gabriel initiated a fundraising campaign that quickly gained momentum. The public responded with incredible generosity, touched by Iya Gbokan’s story and her genuine need for assistance.

Within a remarkably short period, an astounding sum of 1.3 million Naira was raised, thanks to the overwhelming contributions from well-wishers, fans, and individuals deeply moved by Iya Gbokan’s situation.

With these funds at hand, Pastor Abgala Gabriel made a heartfelt promise to utilize the proceeds to ensure the successful completion of Iya Gbokan’s house and facilitate her acquisition of a car. Through his unwavering dedication, Pastor Gabriel has given Iya Gbokan renewed hope and the means to significantly improve her living conditions.

This heartwarming collaboration between a compassionate pastor and a respected actress serves as a testament to the power of unity and the impact one person’s kindness can have on another’s life.

Watch the video below;