
“If You’re Going Through He’ll In Your Home Or Relationship Pls Cut Them Off ! That’s What I did” Bimpe Akintunde Encourage

Written by fazazy39

Nollywood actress Bimpe Akintunde has shared an inspiring message of support for single mothers, offering words of encouragement that resonate deeply. Taking to Instagram, the talented Yoruba actress poured her heart out, revealing that she has been raising her daughter as a single mother for the past eight years. Furthermore, she disclosed that she has chosen to stay away from romantic relationships for almost two years.

Bimpe stressed that her status as a single mother has nothing to do with her appearance or worthiness. Rather, she explained that she deliberately cuts off any relationship that fails to bring positivity or enrichment to her life. Recognizing the challenges that come with being single, she assured her audience that it does not signify the end of the world. Additionally, she expressed her growing faith in God throughout her personal journey.

Urging others to follow her lead, Bimpe Akintunde encouraged them to let go of relationships that do not add value to their lives. In doing so, she highlighted the significance of self-worth and the pursuit of personal growth.

“To all the amazing single mothers and single ladies out there, please remember that God doesn’t harbor any resentment towards you, nor is He ignoring you. You haven’t done anything to offend God! I have been a single mom for nearly eight years now, and I have chosen not to be in a relationship for almost two years. It’s not because I am the ugliest or the worst woman on this planet. On the contrary, I am a beautiful, hardworking, supportive, and deeply spiritual woman – one of the best creations of God. But despite all of these qualities, I cannot compromise on my relationship with God. His timing is perfect!

So, dear sisters, focus on yourselves! Concentrate on your goals, pray harder, work diligently, find happiness within, and radiate your inner brilliance like a diamond, always shining brightly.”

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