“A Video Showing Murphy Afolabi Saying Goodbye To His Lovers Few Days To His death”-video

Murphy Afolabi once expressed, “May the lovers’ hearts be filled with joy, as they bid farewell to the day and embrace the tranquility of the night. May it be a night of bliss and harmony.” These were words he often shared, but little did he know that fate would one day steal him away from us.

Murphy Afolabi, a beloved figure, had a phrase that he would often say to his loved ones and friends: “lovers asunji O boya keni nice night odaaro.” This heartfelt message encapsulated his wish for people to experience a pleasant and fulfilling night, characterized by the embrace of love and the serenity that comes with the end of the day.

Little did Murphy Afolabi know that these words, spoken with warmth and sincerity, would one day become a bittersweet reminder of his memory. Fate had a different plan in store, as he tragically departed from this world. The phrase that once brought comfort and well wishes now carries an added weight, reminding us of the void left behind by his absence.

Murphy Afolabi’s legacy lives on through his words and actions, which touched the hearts of those who had the privilege of knowing him. While we mourn his loss, we also cherish the memories of his kind spirit and the joy he brought to our lives.

Watch the video below ⬇️