Actress Yewande Adekoya seeks help with her cheating husband, though she’s trying to hide her pain.

Yewande Adekoya, a beloved Nigerian film actress, recently revealed her heartfelt struggle with severe panic attacks and anxiety that have plagued her for several days. She bravely shared her distress over the untimely deaths of three fellow colleagues: Murphy Afolabi, Saint Obi, and Adedigba Mukail. These tragic losses have served as a poignant reminder of the fleeting nature of life.

In a candid video accompanying her revelation, Yewande Adekoya opened up about the inner turmoil she has silently battled, while feeling emotionally detached. Her admission shines a light on the hidden struggles that individuals in the public eye often face behind the scenes.

Attending the funeral of the late Murphy Afolabi further intensified Yewande’s emotions, prompting deep reflection on her own mortality. She offered prayers for a long and fulfilling life, expressing a heartfelt desire to be there for her children and nurture them into adulthood.

By sharing her vulnerabilities and voicing her fears, Yewande Adekoya breaks down the stigma surrounding mental health issues. Her sincere revelation serves as a reminder that even those in the spotlight face internal battles and require support and understanding.

In her own words: “I currently feel emotionally numb. Life is unpredictable. Sometimes, I question the purpose of our struggles when we eventually meet our end. What is the essence of this thing called life?

For several days now, I have been experiencing intense panic attacks and anxiety, although I have managed to conceal it well. Only I truly know the depth of what I am going through.

Dear God, I humbly pray for a long and healthy life. Please bless us with peace and grant us the grace to raise our children until they reach maturity. May our children always remain innocent. God, please hear my prayer.”