Murphy Afolabi’s body was respectfully transferred from the Isolo Mosque to its final resting place.

The body of Murphy Afolabi was solemnly moved from the Isolo Mosque, where funeral prayers were held, to its final resting place. The process of transporting his body was carried out with care and reverence, acknowledging the significance of this final journey.

During this solemn moment, family members, friends, colleagues, and fans came together to pay their last respects to the late actor. The atmosphere was filled with emotions as they bid farewell to a beloved figure in the entertainment industry.

The logistics of moving Murphy Afolabi’s body involved coordination among the funeral organizers, who ensured that all necessary arrangements were in place. The procession likely included vehicles or a hearse to transport the casket containing his remains.

As the body was moved, there may have been an escort or procession to accompany and honor Murphy Afolabi. This could have involved a solemn march or a motorcade, depending on the local customs and traditions observed during such occasions.

The process of moving the body from the mosque to the final resting place was conducted with reverence, ensuring that the late actor was given a dignified farewell.

May Hs Gentle Soul Rest In Peace.🥲